The zemi I am in is always pretty active.
While some people are presenting in Osaka, our teacher is in the States joining a conference.
And this time was one of the 3rd year groups presenting their research in front of other zemis in Keio.
I honestly have to say our groups presentation was the best.
Each zemi has its level of intensity. Some zemi is more strict than others.
And I think I chose one of the more hard working zemi in Keio.
Don't mistaken me though. It's really good.
While my time here is limited I am happy to join a zemi that stimulates me.
View from the room. This is Hiyoshi, where I live.
If some of you guys remember from my previous post.
I am part of a marketing team within the zemi and we are presenting this sat in Kobe.
Kobe is pretty far (10 hour bus ride)
so I am super exited to go have fun both presenting and touring around.
And our zemi isn't some bunch of nerds that work all the time.
We also have fun too.
Drinking yay-
Eating yay-
Karaoking yay-