
JPN Perfume Concert

Do you know perfume?
Perfume is a wonderful Japanese three girls, techno-electronic-dance group, they sing they dance, and they can talk.

And I went to their concert two weeks ago!

I guess watching one of their videos will explain everything

AND they are wonderful wonderful! I really like Nakata Yasutaka (producer) and his music and I think their dance and personality really adds to their music.

So my friend has offered me one of their concert ticket and was delighted because I always wanted to see their performance.

So I have reached saitama, which is a prefecture beside Tokyo. 

Everyone walking towards saitama arena.

And when we got to the line for the goods shop we saw many people cosplaying as perfume.

             This is the line up to buy the concert goods.

As you can see many people are fans of perfume.
Techno lovers, cute girl lovers, dance lovers.
So the fan age range is very large from young girls to old men.

I bought cellphone strap and a bag with the album logo!

A proper picture I took in the cafe.
Look! Even the receipt has the JPN logo.

And I had some coffee before the concert.

And some squid to make myself a little bit full.

And pasta.

And a little pizza.

And another slice of pizza.... Okay I was hungry. So what!?

We also met some fans in the cafe. They wore the perfume concert t-shirts and some strawberries ( I have no idea why) on their head.

And when the time came we all head to the concert hall.

Saitama super arena is one of the biggest concert arenas in Japan.

Flowers from other artists to celebrate the concert.

We got releative good seats. The whole venue was sold out. And there were still hundreds of people behind me.

Take a look at this video to get gist of how the venue was.

And the concert began.
I couldn't take anymore or else they would've taken away my camera.

The concert was amazing.
Because the artist has so much money and because of the bigness of the venue, there were many efforts made to make the concert more fun and engaging. Such as the laser beams, projections, and how they used the stage. I think such performance can be done by only few artists around the world.
If you like techno clubs I am sure you would love perfume's concert!


After the concert (dancing and singing along every song)
we got very hungry and went to an Okinawa style restaurant.

In this very weird mall with hills lol weird weird.

Fish paste salad.  (like fake crab)

Peach ricky

Maccoli (korean rice wine)

Umi Budou!
This was indeed the best food I had in a while.
Umi budou is a plant in the ocean. It tastes like sea.. and it has a grape like texture. Mini grapes!

(is a form of popular Okinawan stir fry dish, generally containing vegetablestofu, and some kind of meat or fish)

Tuna salad.

Chicken with tar tar sauce.

Karashi (Japanese Mustard) filled lotus.

Shi-kuwa-sa- sour (Shi-kuwasa is a a small, green citrus fruit rich in flavonoids and native to Taiwan and OkinawaJapan. Very sour, it is often used like lemon or lime to garnish dish)

Grilled pork.

Cheese pancake.

Kiwi sour.

Grilled chicken. Why is it black? I think its grilled 

Okinawa soba!
The noodles have oil inside.

And fish eggs with udon. Mentai udon!

One of the most delicious and happiest day I had in my life.
Couldn't stop listening to perfume's music for weeks (#stillplaying)

If you ever have a chance. Listen!


Nothing to do with the post but a nice view from my school window.
Tokyo sunset is very pretty in its own way with the skyscrapers. :)


  1. あんた、くだりも結局食べ物。
    They can dance
    They can sing

    ....They can talk LOL

  2. >>Okumra
