
Visiting the arts and design exhibition in Kyoto.

From Kyoto my roommate and I decided to go to Fukuoka which is maybe 7 hours south from Kyoto. And before we took the night bus again we decided to enjoy the art museum Kyoto has.
(Love the poster↑)

A weird brand name.

One of the bigger roads in Kyoto.

Walkin towards the museum.

I'm at the museum of Kyoto!

Since I studied about ukiyoe in school, I really wanted to see Hokusai's work with my own eyes.
And finally the dream of my life, I got to see his fuji mountain prints and the famous tsunami print.

Recently ukiyoe is the center of topic in the design and art scene again.

This is the fusion of the aesthetics now and old technology. 


They also had design exhibition by a  design school in kyoto.

Yay we can take pictures!

The whole exhibition was done in a Japanese style room where everyone had to take off their shoes.

We can sit down and read few of these things!

It was really nice seeing student work in Japan.
I can see the difference from our work in Canada but several similarities in the trends as well.

I then watched a movie in the museum called (they air one movie per day)

Kishiwada Shounen Gurentai. 

The actors in the movies were all comedians which I loved because I love Japanese comedy. It's a little old movie but the scenery and the way of living back in the days is really attractive for me. (It's like a comedy version of the outsiders)


  1. 畳のうえでみせる。すごくいいっ!

  2. >>くめこ
