
I am actually doing work.

After the looooongg niceeeee winttterrrr break (which I still haven't written about).
I had work coming.
Which I haven't done for a long time. Well actually since april.

Let me explain to you.
Japanese school is an amazing place to build relationships with people and to enhance your skill on various sports and activities and its the perfect time to travel.
But what I've noticed taking classes here is that teachers do teach but many of them are not meant for public speaking and definitely not meant to be profs. 
They look down. They don't get upset at students who are not paying attention.
They are talking to themselves and none of the students are listening.
This doesn't go for all teachers of corse but it's unbelievable in western standards. 

The curriculum is too easy as well and I really didn't have to do anything.
 Until NOW.
So saying all of this, the semester ends soon (end of Jan) and 
now I have shit load of essays and projects to do.
I guess I deserve this as I was slacking off for several months.

Good luck to me and I'll try to update little at a time!


  1. lol Oh Keio~ How I miss "studying" there ;)
    And nice long winter break? What about the almost 3 month one you have coming? ;P

  2. "They look down. They don't get upset at students who are not paying attention.
    They are talking to themselves and none of the students are listening.
    This doesn't go for all teachers of corse but it's unbelievable in western standards."... For some reason I actually chuckled reading that! Good luck on all the work you have to do!

  3. >>Lauren
    Haha yes I bet you "miss" studying at keio a lot.
    I have no plans other than going to korea over the winter break :D

  4. >>Kay
    Haha thanks for the comment that you chuckled!
    Thanks Kay~~ I will try my best!
