
Mita Festival back in November

It's Mita-sai Season. 
No, it's already been a month since mita festival has started and ended.
But I never got to post about it because I totally forgot about it lol.

I did write about it a little bit when I wrote about my dance performance at mita fest.
Let me flip back to my previous post though (click here) and freshen my memory.

Well to explain this festival briefly,
its a huge school festival with loads of food and ppl crowded on our campus.
Ppl who are not from our school can join and you see many type of ppl u usually won't see. 

Enjoy the festive mood u usually can't experience in Canadian schools.

Banners to welcome guests.

Food venues.

Main stage where ppl perform their music and dance etc.

Nice music.

And not so nice music. Entertaining though.

My dance friends and I went around the campus to handout the flyers for our event.

Too many people in one place. 

There are several stages in the whole campus.

Flyers on walls to promote club events. 


And paintings.

And this is the main attraction of the whole festival.
To easily explain, girls sit around the campus and guys go pick up these girls.
And I am telling u, at least 50% of the ppl who were at the festival are here for this. 
My friends and I were very entertained by this and took few snaps of this event.



Grilling my kimuchi okonomiyaki.

Yummers. $4

And this is whats so amazing with this plate. 
You can peel off the first layer that has the food leftovers and throw the "clean" styrofoam in the styrofoam garbage can. 

Some japanese sports. 

 Some head banging music going on.

Dance battle.

Drawing face.

My friend also performed at one of the rooms.

Chad presents Hawaiian.

Amazing performance by the two.

And an amazing performance by mr.raddish

And nice wannabe performance by my friend.

Other band performances in other rooms.


And I spent the whole day at the festival walking around campus enjoying the different mood.
I wish schools in Canada had something like this.


  1. The school festival looks so fun! I would have loved to see the whole 'nanpa' thing. Hehe.

  2. >> Jenny
    Everyone will be asking for ur number jenny!
    Watch out!
