
Roppongi Art Night

March 24-25 2012

A night out in Roppongi. 
Roppongi Art Night is somewhat like Nuit Blanche in Toronto where there are various art events ran through the whole night. 
As you can see from the above poster the core time this event is held is 5:56 pm- 5:38 am

I met up with a friend who is also interested in art and we ate some good curry before we went out walking around roppongi.
My curry was 10 year beef stew. Don't remember what was so 10 years about it but it was really good!

This is pork cutlet with curry that my friends ate.

We then met up with more friends and walked around the area.
There was a DJ playing music and people watched artists dance and perform.

Below is the video of this scene.

I really can't stand her art sometimes because it makes me very itchy. I do think its interesting though.

The scene from above.

We then went to a whisky displayed section.

We exchange drinks with chips.

Whisky with ice.

We also saw street performances.

Bubble wrap art.

There were also colour changing balloons floating on top of the lake.
Watch the video I took :)↓


One of the friend that we met up earlier on the night was graduating from the school so we decided to go home quite early and decided to drink, eat more, and talk.

We first bought some beer and pre-drank at home.

I haven't drank corona in such a long time. 

Then we moved to the BBQ restaurant.

Japanese eat raw beef.

This is Ox Tongue. We Grill this don't worry.

Grilling~ Yumss.

We also grilled some other pats of beef.

Hardly any veggies.

And this is us saying good bye in the train. We probably won't see each other for a long time so its very sad. :(

A good night out though. Lot's of art, food, and talking! 

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