
Field Trip to Nippori and Art events

I'm slowly catching up on my events.
I went to Nippori and Nezu area with my Art Workshop class last Monday.

The whole area is called shitamachi which still has a lot of the old building from the industrial era.
Many people still have hands on jobs in that area and it was a lot of fun walking around with my friends enjoying the old style city.

 We first got off at Nezu Station to walk around the area.

Tofu shop. I love these kanji characters that looks like logos.

I found a lot of these bicycles that seemes abandoned. 
This one even has flowers in the basket.

Detective ad. 

Cats cats everywhere.

A lot of them were pretty obese.
Many buildings that has a lot of green. 
It almost seems like these buildings are abandoned.

It also feels like the people in the neighborhood is more closely tied then some other parts in tokyo.
Just an ordinary scenery in Japan.

Poster for a fest.

This was placed in front of a store.

Devilman protecting the house.

Store signage.

Inside the building was a cafe. 

One of my favourite structure.

There were many temples in the area.

Hills after hills.

Condoms to fit your blood type. 
Seems like A has sold out.

Blood type B always has the say.

Artistic ads in japan.

Another ordinary scenery.

Mix of the old and the new.

Speed limits are written on the road.

Why are so many buildings wrecked?

Lots and lots of walls that protects the privacy of the people.

We met the artist who drew these traditional paintings. He was American!

Tokyo National Art Uni was near by. 
This is probably one of the hardest art university to get into.

This whole area is now more developed for tourists to visit. 
They had these san fran looking buses running around the town.

Finally this is the street of Nippori where there are many many 
mama and papa shops of food and just about anything.
Very lively and fun and yummy.

Bakery in Nippori

Food shop in Nippori
Finished the day off with some snack


  1. いいな~日暮里。写真一枚一枚が古風で味が出るね。


  2. >>くめこ



  3. 探偵犬クロのホームページ http://www.a-g.co.jp

  4. >>探偵

