
School Spirit

School in Japan is filled with school spirits.
They have oktoberfest type of festival called Mita Festival which cancels one week of school.
A baseball game that everyone actually goes to.
And many other events that involves the whole school.

This goes the same with Japanese High School as well and I am impressed with everyone's effort in joining all these clubs and circles and working together to form this one big thing.

I visited this club building where all the club rooms are put into this one room.
Here's a video I took.

As you can see/hear from the video, the time was 8pm and it's still filled with students practicing, playing their music, talking with their friends.
If people  ever watched Nodame, it's just like that anime/drama! It's not even a music school but you can seriously hear music from all over the place.

People just leave their laptops, instruments and various expensive things unattended.
I feel like a lot of people do this. Trust system?

1 1/2 floor


 The first floor is pretty messy with everyone's stuff.

Laptop unattended.

Girl figure unattended.

Keio Club sign.

8pm. Holy shitty rain.

Basement is full of drum sets and open studios.

 It was great walking around!!

And then I got home and my roommate bought me some cheesecake because I wasn't feeling too well.
Thank you Stella :3 I feel so happy to have a roommate like you! You're awesomee!!!!

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