
Walking around my neighbourhood Hiyoshi.

This is the view from my window.
I was always curious what is up on that little mountain/hill thing on the 
left so I decided to take a walk one afternoon.

I first had to find a route to go up. 
Walked around the other side of the mountain and I found several streets.

Walked up the first street I found with haagen dazs in my hand, so if I get to find a nice hill top or cliff I can enjoy my green tea ice cream there.

Failed. It was a dead end.

Going down the stairs to find another route.

Found another route few meters beside the other one.

How many towels does this person need.

I felt like I was taking the right route because I then found another set of stairs.

I would not enjoy having this in my back yard.

And tuh duh another failure. I got to this semi top looking place but I couldn't see the town of hiyoshi because of the trees. I wanted to walk around this place more but my ice cream was melting so I decided to eat it here and head home.

I seriously didn't meet a single person on this journey. 
Sad. I'm going to try again from another route next time.


Other than walking around my neighbourhood. 
I noticed I like walking around other neighbourhoods as well.
I also try taking pictures of the wrong stations I get off. 
(Because I always take the wrong route and end up in nowhere)
Like this one, Mukaigawara station. Where the hell is this place?


Last, Purikura!
This has nothing to do with walking but since I took some picture I will post them up.

This machine makes
1) Ur face reall white 
2) Ur eyes reall big
3)Turn all guys into a woman
and prints it out as a sticker.

You take ur pictures and then come around the booth and edit it with the pens on the side.

Kind of freaky right? But its a fun way to leave some memory with 400yen. Aprox $5


  1. Woah! It still looks like summer in Japan! Nice views, I like it. And remember young one, failure is the first step to success.
    And...is that YOU in the last picture?!!!?

  2. >>JOOOY

    I knowww right today was 26 degreees..
    And thank you for the wonderful saying.

    Haha yupp the last picture is me!!! :D

  3. これがりんりんが住む場所なのね。けっこう風情があっていいじゃん。

  4. >>くめ子

  5. I love the scenery! The deep slopes and hills are so nice. lol @ the towels, but they're neatly laid out and hung!

  6. >> Candice
    I know right! It's an ordinary scenery but yet I loovee it. The towel really shows Japanese ppl's personality I think.
