
Zemi Fun

Yesterdays dinner with my zemi friends :) $9

So school has not been so intense because I really haven't handed in anything in yet but many things has been happening outside of normal class. One of the things that keeps me most busy is the Zemi activites. (Please refer to my previous post on zemi in september if you don't know what a zemi is).

We have zemi meetings every mondays and thursdays and on top of that we have activites like Zemi presentations where other zemi and our zemi joins to present. We also visit companies to hear their first hand experience and what it's like working in a real business world. We also have fun activites like playing softball together and next week is going to be a basketball game. Woo Hoo!

I really think I am learning a lot, not quite about design but business which I always took interest in. 
Everyone in the Zemi is very nice and active people and I'm thinking of making great friends here.
Keep posted on the things I do here!

Let's go visit a consulting group!

Wouldn't it be wonderful to work in a building like this.

After the zemi presentation other zemi and our zemi went out for some drinking and eating.

GAHH so good :3

Food after food and drinks after drinks. I forgot to take pictures after this.

Softball tournament against other zemi!

They had a really nice facility. The field was taken real good care of.

My zemi members!

We ended up having one tie and no wins but it was a lot of fun 
watching and getting to move your body.

At rokugoudote near Tamagawa river.


  1. The basement diamond.. is .. so.. Japanese.. and.. authentic, like it's taken from a Japanese film or something

  2. >> Candice

    haha I know right. Very Japanese baseball drama like.
