
Joined the dance circle :)

So Japanese Universities have clubs and circles.
Clubs are usually for sports and music and its very intense with practices everyday and even sometimes during the summer holiday.

However, the unis here also have this thing called circles where it seems a bit more casual and fun.

Out of the billions of circles (Hiking circle, basketball circle, Hide and Go seek circle?)
I chose to join the
 the Dance Circle  "Revolve"
the Keio Camera Circle.

Haven't been to the keio camera circle but I'm pretty sure I am going to join.

And as for Revolve, I've already been to two practices.
It's pretty much me and my other friend trying to catch up to these already very experienced hip-hop dancers. But I always wanted to try dancing and it's really a good workout.

I haven't moved this much in a while and I feel like fainting at the end of the session but its fun.

Here are some of the pictures I took at the practicing place.
They have these circle/club rooms and its always filled with students.

Practicing session. 
I was taking a video so I can practice at home.

This is the 2010 performance from the hiphop genre.
They also have girl's hipohop, lock, poppin, and break groups.

Girl's hip hop. :D
To join this group u apparently have to have the "body" to join.
haha no go for me.

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