
Marketing Competition Part 1: Preparing in Tokyo

 This is a heart light up on tokyo tower and I ended up seeing this almost everyday because I was always at school very late for the past few days before this marketing competition.

The days consisted of sleepless nights and lots of food outside.


To start off we have Origin Bentou.
It's a bentou shop that sells bunch of homemade looking/tasting food.
It's very cheap $4-$10. And they have lots of variations. 

This is the food samples we can pick from.

This is the self-serve food corner. 

This is the self-serve fried food corner.

And this is the salad section.

This is the cheese chicken bentou I had. $4. Pretty good for the price!
Another bentou I had on another day.This was more of a Japanese style bentou. $4.


And then we went to Johnathan's which is a family restaurant.
Many family restaurants in Japan are open for 24 hours. And one day when we were doing an all-nighter, we went to this restaurant and did out homework there.


The time was 3am and there were maybe 5 ppl in the whole restaurant.

All you can drink, drink bar. They had maybe 10 types of different teas :)

Food we ordered.

And this is the breakfest set I had at 7am.


And my friend dead on the sofa. We tried out best that day lol

This is some extra photos of our chalk board.

And the post will be continued to Part 3.. :D  


  1. OMG i miss ordering that kind of epic breakfast in Japan!!! D:
    I ate that same meal at a restaurant when i went - i think it was like $6? haha XD

    (love the pokemon drawings on the whiteboard, haha.)

  2. 鈴cがんばってるねー^^

  3. >>Jen Leeeeee
    Lol haha epic breakfast. It is pretty epic because u get really full from eating it.

    I hope u have an awesome new years Jenn!!

  4. >>さき
