
30 dollar agenda and LOFT

It's shopping time now!
And when christmas is approaching it means that it's almost end of the year.
Which means I will have to go buy a schedule book for next year.

I am a "plan" freak and I really like having things organized and planned 
and I really need a good planner to have a good year.

This year I was using muji planner but found out that the schedule book itself was too big and 
the space for each day was just too little.

So I decided to go to LOFT which is a store that has
really "anything" you can think of.

This is the picture of the store. And this section only sells schedule book.

I did quite a bit of research before I came here but when I stepped into the store again I was confused to which one I should use. 

Moleskin schedule book was also on top of my list.
But at the end I chose...

A schedule book by paperblanks.
The price was 2300yen and in CAD it will be around $30.

Below are the reasons to why I bought this schedule book.
  1. It has one page designated for each day.
  2. It also has a little pocket that lets me put some important stuff if i had any.
  3. There is also a magnet strap that closes the book so it doesnt open in my bag.
  4. It's very small and handy.
  5. I like how it looks.


And this book was designed by a Canadian. 
Hmm out of hundreds of these schedule book it's funny I chose this.  


 Below are some pictures of the store LOFT.

New year cards on for sale!

More new year cards.

Lots and lots of stationary.


  1. my 2011 agenda was from muji

  2. I bought mine at Kiddie Land. Will take a closer look at those in Muji and Loft.

    I still prefer to use a schedule book than the calendar on my iPhone for some reason.

  3. >> Anonoymous
    Really? But i don't know who u are so i cant really say much. haha

  4. >>beck-49
    I toallly agree with u. I can't stand making plans on computer. I like it on paper with my hand writing :D
