
Soba (Buckwheat noodle) Making!

One of the reason why I am really glad/happy that I came to Keio University for exchange is because of the amount of facility and groups that is there for the students. 
Because people at this school have pride and love for their school even after they graduate, they still consider themselves as Keio University students.

And one of the groups organized by Keio Uiversity grads hold events every month for exchange students. For this month they held a soba making lesson for 300 yen :)

Soba is japanese noodles. It looks black/grey and its thinner than udon but thicker than soumen.
You can eat it either hot or cold and its very popular among the japanese.
I have made udon at home several times but never soba because you need special soba powder to make it and I was very happy I can learn how to make it just few min from my apartment! (They actually held the lesson at our apartment lounge :D)

So these soba making ppl came to our apartment lounge to teach us!

These are the materials you use to make soba.

This is the soba beans that you use to make the soba powder.

1. You mix the soba powder with water.

2. You then do things like this until it starts to stick together. 

3. Roll it into a ball
4. Until it turns like this!

5. And I think you leave it in this plastic wrap for few min. 

6. Then you start rolling it out.

Until it becomes a square!

7. Then you fold it 

8. Place it on a cutting board

9. Then you cut it!

chop chop

It didn't look so hard but the hard part is getting ready of the proper amount of ingredients because the amount of water depends on the humidity and temperature that day.   

They also gave us some tamagoyaki to eat! (egg roll)
And some soba zousui. Which is made out of soba seeds.

After they finished cutting they boiled the noodle for us.

We put some green onions.

And this is our soup base.

And yess!! Our soba is ready!!
It was probably the best soba I have ever had because I've never had raw noodles before.

And now it is our turn to make the soba noodles.

This is my friend making the soba noodles :)
It was a great experience making noodles. I hope I can try making it at home and show my brothers one day!


  1. 良い経験させてもらったね。

  2. >>ままん


  3. christine Wang11/22/2011 6:40 am

    カコイ!! so jealous! that looks like so much fun

  4. >> Christine
    It was my first time experiencing this. Totally not do-able in canada :(
