

Yes I know its already been 14 days since Halloween.
I will start updating more! I promise!! :D

So actually on the day of the Halloween I really didn't do anything because there is no culture in Japan to go trick-or-treating. Actually I never knew this but its apparently only big in north america. So instead of going out on Monday we went out on Saturday, 29th.

On the day of the 29th I had maybe 5 min to dress up because my watch was totally wrong (BOOHOO I totally missed out on the fun part of halloween). But we made it to our station on time to take the train to shibuya station which takes around 30 min. But badd idea changing at home. Because not a single person was wearing a costume on the train it was pretty embarrasing. (I hear "ooo~ look at those foreigners") It's probably because its still a)5:30pm and becuase b)people change at shibuya or whereever the club is located and not from their local stations.

But we had fun. We first went to a club called Axxcis and partied there and then moved to another club called club Camelot, where girls get in for free if u wear a costume. And this is where the culture shock happened because in japanese clubs.. ppl dont dance. They jump up and down and face the same way. weiiiiirdd i totally freaked out when all the guys just jumped up and down towards the stage. (I would say it was almost like a concert)

At the end we got tired and took the last train back home which was around 12:00pm.
yes japanese trains ends super early. Once we miss the last train we will have to wait until 5am.

There were some troubles here and there but this year's Halloween was definitely a special one!

My friends and I at our local station.

Our friends at Shibuya.

 Our friends walking in Shibuya.

Our friends walking up the stairs in Shibuya.

Entrance of club axxcis.

All you can eat and drink.

DJ KAORI!!! ミックス〜〜〜

Japanese chicken nuggets. Karaage

We also had a costume contest!!

And my friend won first prize!!

Met some waseda ppl dressed up as toy story characters. And my friend on my right was very happy. 

We then walked around shibuya where we met a english street singer. 
And as crazy foreigners we had to do this ...

Some psychic thing on the street. 占い。10 minute 6 bucks.. agh.. no thanks lol

Live street music.

And I took no pictures at the other club because I was too busy dancing 

now were back in hiyoshi, with sponge bob on this silver ball at the station.

We also have Ash from Pokemon and onepice luffy looking guy on the bottom.
Everyone was drunk and everyone was happy.

The end.


  1. すげー!!北米に全然負けてないwwwしかし日本人って世界一かぶりものが似合う民族だとおもう(爆笑)

  2. >>くめこ
